it’s not a drink; it’s a meal.

Googling the evil, tempting beverage from which I’m trying mightily to abstain helped. A lot. Because googling said beverage found its nutritional value.


Just the way I like it – as big as it comes, 2% milk, with whipped cream (mandatory on hot chocolate in my world, as it should be in yours) – comes to over 700 calories. Kudos to the establishment hawking the beverage for posting their nutrition information on the web so I could see exactly how much weight I was gaining with each drink I consumed. Most people of normal size are recommended to eat about 2,000 calories a day, give or take. Each of these drinks is a meal in itself. And that’s not counting the pastry you’re also tempted to buy to eat along with your meal-in-a-cup.

This knowledge alone helped me keep walking past the door and on to the trusty, calorie-free water fountain for at least the past two days. Even when the weather was telling me I needed to warm up with some liquid chocolate lovin’.

2 responses to “it’s not a drink; it’s a meal.

  1. The good news (bad news?) is that you probably weren’t gaining the weight right now – Emmy was probably drinking it away! But a few months from now, you’d be in real trouble with that evil elixir!

  2. True – I didn’t have a chance to look up calorie differences for nursing moms. But just think of the weight I could have lost if I hadn’t had all those meal-in-a-cups!

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